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Gouki (Akuma)       

Special Moves:
Messatsu: D, DF, F + P (air)
Gou Tatsumaki SenpyuKen: D, DB, B + K
Gou Retsuken: F, D, DF + P
Demon Blade Kick: D, DF, F + K (air only)
Ashura Warp: F, D, DF + P/K or B, D, DB + P/K

Hyper Combos:
Messatsu Hadoken: D, DB, B + 2P
Messatsu Gou Shorryuu: D, DF, F + 2P
Tenma Gou Zankyu: D, DF, F + 2P (air only)
Shun-Goku-Satsu: WP, WP, F, WK, HP (Level 3 - Unblockable)

Special Moves:
Hadoken: D, DF, F + P (air)
Shoryuken: F, D, DF + P
Tatsumaki Senpyu Kyaku: D, DB, B + K (air)

Hyper Combos:
Shinkuu Hadoken: D, DF, F + 2P (air)
Shin Shoryuken: F, D, DF + 2P
Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpyu Kyaku: D, DB, B + 2K

Special Moves:
Hadoken: D, DF, F + P (air)
Shoryuken: F, D, DF + P
Tatsumaki Senpyu Kyaku: D, DB, B + K (air)

Hyper Combos:
Shorryu Reppa: D, DF, F + 2P
Shinryuken: D, DF, F + 2K
Shippu-Jinrai-Kyaku: D, DB, B + 2K

Special Moves:
Vertical Spin: F, D, DF + K
Mini-Kikosho: B, DB, D, DF, F + P
Axe Kick: F, DF, D, DB, B + K
Kikoken: Charge B, F + P
Lightning Kick: Tap K Rapidly (air)

Hyper Combos:
Kikosho: D, DF, F + 2P
Lightning Legs: D, DF, F + 2K
Hazan Tenkyo Zaku: F, D, DF + 2K

Special Moves:
Gadoken: D, DF, F + P
Kouryuken: F, D, DF + P
Tornado Kick: D, DB, F + K
Autograph: B, DB, D, DF, F + P
Quick Autograph: B, DB, D, DF, F + K
Taunt: Taunt Button (air)
Rolling Taunt: D, DF, F + Taunt or D, DB, B + Taunt

Hyper Combos:
Kouryuu Gadoken: D, DF, F + 2P
Kouryuu Reppa: D, DF, F + 2K
Hissho Murai Ken: D, DB, B + 2K
Super Taunt: D, DF, F, D, DF, F + Taunt

Special Moves:
Yoga Fire: D, DF, F + P
Yoga Flame: F, DF, D, DB, B + P
Yoga Blast: F, DF, D, DB, B + K
Yoga Drill: D+K (air only)
Yoga Mummy: D+SP (air only)
Levitation: D, DB, B + 3K (air only)
Teleport: F, D, DF + P/K or B, D, DB + P/K

Hyper Combos:
Yoga Inferno: D, DF, F + 2P
Yoga Strike: D, DF, F + 2K

Vega (M.Bison)
Special Moves:
Psycho Shot: D, DF, F + P
Psycho Field: D, DB, B + P
Scissors KickB, DB, D, DF, F + K (air)
Psycho Palmcharge D, U + P, then optional P (air)
Head Stompcharge D, U + K, then optional P (air)
LevitationD, DB, B + 3P (air only)
TeleportF, D, DF + P/K or B, D, DB + P/K

Hyper Combos:
Psycho CrusherD, DF, F + 2P
Scissors Kick NightmareD, DF, F + 2K

Special Moves:
HadokenD, DB, B + P (air)
Shoryuken ChargeD, DF, F + P (air)
Senpyu KyakuD, DB, B + K (air)

Hyper Combos:
Shinkuu HadokenD, DB, B + 2P
Haru-IchibanD, DB, B + 2K
Midare ZakuraD, DF, F + 2K

Special Moves:
Aerial RaveF, D, DF + K
Green GloveF, D, DF + P
Run and GrabB, DB, D, DF, F + K (Far)
Siberian SuplexB, DB, D, DF, F + K (Close)
Spinning Lariat3P (air)
Short Spinning Lariat3K (air)
Spinning Piledriver360+P (close)(air)

Hyper Combos:
Final Atomic Buster: 360 + 2P

Special Moves:
Optic BlastD, DF, F + P (air)
Optic SweepF, DF, D, DB, B + P
Gene SpliceF, D, DF + P, tap P
Sweep KickD, DB, B + K
Bulldog Grabcharge B, F + K
Combo Punchcharge B, F + P, tap P

Hyper Combos:
Mega Optic BlastD, DF, F + 2P
Optic ArrayD, DB, B + 2P (air)

Special Moves:
Dark LightningD, DF, F + P
Dark InfernoF, DF, D, DB, B + P

Hyper Combos:
Judgement DayD, DB, B + 2P (air)
ArmageddonD, DF, F + 2P
Heart of DarknessD, DF, F + 2K

Captain America
Special Moves:
Shield SlashD, DF, F + P (air)
Stars'n'StripesF, D, DF + P
Charging StarB, DB, D, DF, F + K
CartwheelF, DF, D, DB, B + P

Hyper Combos:
Hyper Charging StarD, DF, F + 2K
Hyper Stars'n'StripesF, D, DF + 2P
Final JusticeD, DF, F + 2P

The Hulk
Special Moves:
Ground WaveD, DF, F + P
Gamma ThrowB, DB, D, DF, F + P
Gamma Chargecharge B, F + K, aim with joypad, press K
                                charge D, U + K, aim with joypad, press K

Hyper Combos:
Gamma WaveD, DF, F + 2P
Gamma CrushD, DB, B + 2K, aim with joypad

Omega Red
Special Moves:
Carbonadium CoilD, DF, F + P, tap P/K or B, DB, D, DF, F, DF, D (air)
Omega StrikeD, DF, F + K (B+K/D+P)
Downward Carbonaium CoilD, DF, F + K, tap P/K or B, DB, D, DF, F, DF, D (air only)

Hyper Combos:
Omega DestroyerD, DF, F + 2P
Carbonadium SmashD, DF, F + 2P (air only)

Shuma Gorath
Special Moves:
DevitalizationF, DF, D, DB, B + K
Mystic Starecharge B, F + P
Mystic Smashcharge B, F + K (air)
RegenerationF + MK/SK (close)(air)

Hyper Combos:
The SpawningD, DF, F + 2K
Chaos DimensionB, DB, D, DF, F + 2P, then P to grab (level 3 - unblockable)

Spider Man
Special Moves:
Web BallD, DF, F + P (air)
Spider StingF, D, DF + P, P
Web SwingD, DB, B + K (air)
Web ThrowF, DF, D, DB, B + P

Hyper Combos:
Maximum SpiderD, DF, F + 2P
Crawler AssaultD, DF, F + 2K

Special Moves:
Beserker BarrageD, DF, F + P
Tornado ClawF, D, DF + P
Drill ClawLK+MP while aiming with joypad (air)
Head StompD + MK (air only)

Hyper Combos:
Weapon XF, D, DF + 2P
Fatal ClawF, D, DF + 2K (air)
Beserker Barrage XD, DF, F + 2P
Beserker RageD, DB, B + 2P

Evil Sakura
Special Moves:
HadokenD, DF, F + P
Running ShoryukenF, D, DF + P
Hurricane KickD, DB, B + K
Ashura WarpF, D, DF + P/K or B, D, DB + P/K

Hyper Combos:
Shinkuu HadokenD, DF, F + 2P
Haru-IchibanD, DB, B + 2K
Midare ZakuraD, DF, F + 2K
Shun-Goku-SatsuWP, WP, F, WK, HP (Level 3 - Unblockable)

Mega Zangief
Special Moves:
Aerial RaveF, D, DF + K
Fire BreathB, DB, D, DF, F + P
Run and GrabB, DB, D, DF, F + K (Far)
Siberian SuplexB, DB, D, DF, F + K (Close)
Spinning Lariat3P (air)
Short Spinning Lariat3K (air)
Spinning Piledriver360+P (close-air)

Hyper Combos:
Final Atomic Buster360 + 2P
Siberian Blizzard360 + 2K

Shadow Nash (Shadow Charlie)
Special Moves:
Shadow Bladecharge B, F + P
Shadow Kickcharge D, U + K
Shadow SliceU, UF, F + K (air only)

Hyper Combos:
Shadow BreakD, DF, F + 2P
Shadow JusticeD, DB, B + 2K
Cross Shadow BlitzD, DF, F + 2K
Final Missioncharge B, F, B, F + 2P (level 3 only)

Special Moves:
Dark LightningD, DF, F + P
Dark InfernoF, DF, D, DB, B + P

Hyper Combos:
Judgement DayD, DB, B + 2P (air)
ArmageddonD, DF, F + 2P
Heart of DarknessD, DF, F + 2K

Spider Man in Spider Armor
Special Moves:
Web BallD, DF, F + P (air)
Spider StingF, D, DF + P, P
Web SwingD, DB, B + K (air)
Web ThrowF, DF, D, DB, B + P

Hyper Combos:
Maximum SpiderD, DF, F + 2P
Crawler AssaultD, DF, F + 2K

U.S. Agent
Special Moves:
Shield SlashD, DF, F + P (air)
Stars'n'StripesF, D, DF + P
Charging StarB, DB, D, DF, F + K
CartwheelF, DF, D, DB, B + P

Hyper Combos:
Hyper Charging StarD, DF, F + 2K
Hyper Stars'n'StripesF, D, DF + 2P
Final JusticeD, DF, F + 2P


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